- 整車簡潔靈巧,轉彎半徑小,自重小,適用於超狹窄通道作業。
- 主要零部件均有防護罩殼包裹,安全可靠且易於拆卸,便於用戶維護、檢修。
- 通用手動搬運車液壓泵,簡單可靠。
- 一體化手柄設計,集成鑰匙開關、電量表,操作簡單舒適。
- 手提式鋰電池包,電池更換輕鬆、便捷。
- 緊急反向裝置,確保使用安全。
- 行車製動採用電磁制動與電機制動雙重保障,確保行車安全。
- 豐富的電池容量選項,滿足不同工況的用工需求。
- Simple, flexible, light weight and small turning radius make the trucksuitable use in extremely narrow aisle.
- The main parts are wrapped with protective cover, which is safe,reliable and easy to disassemble, and convenient for maintenance andrepair.
- Same hydraulic pump with the hand pallet, simple and reliable.
- Integrated handle integrates key and meter make the operation easyand comfortable.
- Portable lithium-battery pack provides easy and speedy batterychange.
- Emergency reversing device ensure safety operation.
- The magnetic brake and motor brake are used to ensure the drivingsafety.
- Multiple battery capacity options meet the demand of different workingconditions.